Spring Crop

Geert Hendrix & Serena Lee

Farmwall’s vision is to transform cities into food producing ecosystems. Using a subscription based model, Farmwall designs and installs small scale, indoor farms for restaurants and cafes, allowing chefs to grow and harvest their own herbs and microgreens in a space the size of a bookcase. Farmwall “urban farmers” make weekly visits to provide new trays of germinated seeds, assist with harvesting and maintenance.
Chefs and restaurateurs experience an inconsistent and wasteful supply of herbs and microgreens. By growing food in-house, a Farmwall provides year-round, nutrient-rich, high-quality produce at the fingertips of the chef, reducing food miles, unnecessary packaging and food waste. It invites the possibility to reduce a venue’s eco-footprint as well as provides a unique customer dining experience.
Geert Hendrix and Serena Lee are the co-founders with an impressive team supporting them that cover commercial aquaponics, sustainable design, culinary expertise and software development.