Bluestone Yeast
Spring Crop

Derek Lacey

Yeast is responsible for 70% of a beer’s flavour profile, making it the most important ingredient of beer brewing. Despite this, up to 95% of Australian craft breweries source their yeast from overseas markets. Craft beer enthusiasts, Derek and Damien Lacey, saw this as an opportunity to change this game, bringing a fresher, higher quality, ‘live-liquid’ yeast to Aussie craft beers.
Derek is a scientist with 15+ years of experience in cell biology and has a keen interest in beer brewcraft. His brother Damien is a qualified mechanical engineer with a focus on improving process and effectiveness – he knows what it takes to build a better brew.
The decision to develop a liquid yeast over traditional dry yeast offers many benefits. The flavour profile is superior and, as liquid yeast is a concentrate, it can be ‘re-pitched’ (re-brewed) multiple times. Add to this the fact that the yeast will only have to travel within the country, therefore minimising freight miles and reducing the product’s carbon footprint, you have a compelling offer. Put simply, locally-grown liquid yeast goes further.
Derek and Damien are passionate about providing superior, fresh and locally grown yeast to Aussie craft brewers.