Spring Crop

Ziv Shalev

Gram is the Linkedin of the coffee industry, linking coffee roasters and cafes to facilitate the exchange of information about each batch of roasted beans, enhancing barista coffee making skills, enabling batch selection, ordering and payment. Gram dramatically reduces coffee roaster’s administrative costs, improves the exchange of information that affects the quality of the barista prepared product, and provides global exposure for the coffee roaster’s brand.
Ziv Shalev is a mechanical engineer, entrepreneur and a coffee expert. Combining his passion for coffee and his engineering knowledge, Ziv founded Coffee Innovations, to provide technological solutions aimed to improve the work flow and coffee quality in coffee shops.
Coffee innovations has already developed a unique patented technology to froth milk to perfection in a dynamic coffee shop environment, partnering with one of the largest global coffee machine manufacturers to commercialize the invention. Gram is Ziv’s next coffee innovation.