Food Waste + Loss

Raj Bagri

Zerosphere is about to revolutionise refrigeration for the first time since 1830. Zerosphere technology is (patent pending) magnet + radiation free, supercooling food preservation technology. Zerosphere technology can significantly extend the shelf life of all fresh produce, proteins and seafood. Zerosphere is the first technology in the world that can be adopted by the end-to-end food supply chain, from growers -> logistics -> retailers -> consumers. R&D testing validated that: • Strawberries stored in a coolroom with zerosphere technology were in perfect condition after 15 days.
• Broccoli stored in a coolroom with zerosphere technology were in perfect condition after 40 days.
• Pears stored in a coolroom with zerosphere technology were in perfect condition after 180 days.
• Spring onion stored in a coolroom with zerosphere technology were in perfect condition after 50 days.
• Seafood stored in a coolroom with zerosphere technology were in perfect condition after 21 days.
• Raw chicken stored in a coolroom with zerosphere technology was in perfect condition after 10 days.
• Fresh flowers stored in a coolroom with zerosphere technology was in perfect condition after 25 days. Zerosphere technology will commercialise in Q3 2022 and launch in the B2B market. Zerosphere will revolutionise home fridges by developing a new generation of home fridges in 2023.