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Agrifood solutions addressing circular economy challenges

The circular economy is a transformative approach to sustainability, aiming to minimise waste and make the most of our resources. Agrifood innovations play a critical role in this by addressing food waste, improving supply chains, and creating sustainable food systems.


In this webinar we explored some cutting-edge case studies emerging in the Australian market, and heard from our speakers on the impacts of these innovations on the environment, the economy and the circular economy transition.


Our panel of experts included:

- Simon Lockrey from Stop Food Waste Australia, RMIT

- Caity Touzell from Boomerang Labs

- Claire Dyason, Australian Food Waste Challenge

AgTech Seeds Webinar Series

Are you curious to find out what it takes to build and launch innovative products in the agriculture and food sector? Every startup founder has their own origin story and battle scars to accompany their growth.

Join us online for the AgTech Seeds webinar series and hear from leading start-up founders and their researchers!


Webinar with

Webinar with

Webinar with

Prof. Ruth Nettle

James Diamond

Prof. David Hughes


In this webinar, Professor Nettle will introduce you to a way of thinking about the diversity of your farmer customers and applying segmentation to plan a marketing or service strategy to engage with farmers ‘where they are at’.


In this webinar, you will hear how James Diamond from Air Agri, one of our most recent alumni, talk about his founder journey and how a pre-accelerator like AgTech Seeds helped him on his journey.


In this webinar, you will hear Professor Hughes, shed light on current consumer trends driving the global food sector in developed countries, and how this can inform agtech innovation.

Fireside chat with 

Emma Weston

In this fireside chat, you hear from Emma Weston, co-founder of AgriDigital, share her firsthand experience on what has enabled AgriDigital's success to date, as well as reflections on how this success could have been enhanced and accelerated by access to research in Australia's universities.

Fireside chat with 

Jordy Kay &
Eddie Attenborough

In this fireside chat, you will hear how Jordy Kay, co-founder of Great Wrap, came to work with Eddie Attenborough, a chemical engineer from Monash University, to develop the proprietary technology that forms the basis of Australia's only compostable cling wrap using food waste diverted from landfill.

Fireside chat with 

Phoebe Gardner
& Alex Arnold

In this fireside chat, you will hear from the co-founder's of Bardee, Phoebe Gardner (and architect) and Alex Arnold (a geneticist and cherry farmer), about how the came together to create and rapidly scale a circular food system with insects!

Fireside chat with 

David Lyall

In this fireside chat, you get the opportunity to hear David Lyall, co-founder of Bee Innovative, share his firsthand experience on what has enabled him success to date, as well as reflections on what he would do differently next time to accelerate the launch and growth of the company.  

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